The Wheat of Sainte Barbe’s day
My creche (nativity) is waiting for……
La poutargue, the caviar of Provence, is the roe of the..
Every year about this time I go into lavender wand production. I am obsessed. Many of you have expressed an interest in learning how they are made. So, hopefully, this straightforward photo journal tutorial will help you get started. Typically, I cut the lavender early in the morning while it is still cool. It…
Sète is the little Venice of the Languedoc. Canals, fishing boats, quaintness, and local character abound.
As we frequently do after groups have left, Xavier and I set out on a road trip. We have been wanting to get back to Arles and its’ recently renovated museum of the Roman world. We particularly wanted to see the Roman boat which was found on the bottom of the Rhone River in 2003……
I spent a week in the Auvergne, an area visited infrequently by Americans. This French departement and the area around Le-Puy-en-Velay intrigued me and I had always wanted….
We are in the Camargue. It is the Rhone River delta and home of the ‘Original Cowboy’.
From time to time, I want to feature some of my favorite villages of France. And, TOURNUS, a village in southern Burgundy just …..
What beautiful craftsmanship! One sees these ‘rideaux’ (curtains) in doorways all over Provence. The true boxwood bead curtain is made from ‘box’, a very dense wood with beautiful grain patterns. From forest to bead is a long process. It takes almost 30 years for a box to have the 8-10 cm trunk necessary for harvest. Then…
There is nothing like a French Road Trip when you have absolutely no plans, don’t know where you are going to end up, and the plan is actually not ..