There is nothing like a French Road Trip when you have absolutely no plans, don’t know where you are going to end up, and the plan is actually not to have a plan. We started out on very familiar roads where we had taken many a group, but quickly, after a couple of hours, we were in the back country of southern France. We traveled on our whims….saw a sign….interested…ok…..wanna go there?….yeah…….and we were off. First, I saw the sign for Salin de Giraud (the best grey salt ever!) and immediately knew that I needed to see SALT! OK. Quick exit and we were on our way.
THERE! Looming in front of us on one side was salt, salt, and more salt.
And on the other side, evaporation pools….. ‘Do the mountains of salt come from those few evaporation pools?’And then there is a conveyer belt moving the salt from one side of the road to the other ……What happens when it rains????? Xavier says the salt is very coarse and it just washes/cleans it…..looks like to me that it would melt!
Seems a bit primitive… is a huge operation so I don’t think I call it artisanal…..This operation would never fly in the U-S -of-A!
But thank goodness, it is done in France, so that I have my grey salt for cooking, and my Fleur de Sel for the table.These are definitely 2 of ‘MJ’s Must Haves’ that are packed away in the suitcase on every return trip. Yes, I am a salt snob!