Sète is the largest fishing port on the Mediterranean.
Canals, fishing boats, quaintness, and local character abound.
It is the ‘little Venice of the Languedoc’.
We arrive late afternoon.
Wander the small streets.
Sun is setting.
It is aperitif time.

Picturesque spot!
Perfect for watching fishing boats coming in with their catch…..
but then it is time to make a restaurant choice.
We do our usual walk in silence…..peeking in and out of places…looking at posted menus….then we each narrow it down…..not surprisingly, we both thought there were 2 choices (out of many). One seemed to be a husband and wife team…not too big a menu. But, the other possible choice had a fresh seafood stand out front (obviously selling what had just come off the boats), plus the restaurant……….a crowd was also gathering for dinner…. Chez Francois it will be…
Now for the food porn!
I started with ‘jols’, a tiny fish done ‘friture’ style.
The blue-eyed ones are best!!!
Xavier had the ‘couteux’ (razor clams)
a combo of gambas (large shrimp), seche (kinda like calamari) and lotte (monkfish).

And it is whole turbot for X.

Could not begin to finish
…..would kill for it today
….so flavorful and so perfectly executed.